As that the Ministry of Civil Aviation has entrusted IAAI with this fresh responsibility of getting the Industry’s feedback on this Draft Policy, we turn to you to send us your views and suggestions on the improvements and changes that you feel are required in the various segments of the Civil Aviation Sector.

We are banking on the knowledge and experience that each one of you has gained during your many years in the Travel Industry both as a Travel Consultant and as a world-wide traveler yourself.

Your invaluable inputs are required to be sent in to us no later than 14th November in order enable us to collate such information for presentation to the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

We sincerely seek your wholehearted support in this endeavor.

    Name *



    Email *





    Name of Travel Agency *



    IATA code ( 8 digits without any space )



    City *



    Draft Civil Aviation Policy - Feedback *
