- January 9, 2022
- Posted by: IAAI
- Category: Circular, News

To: All IAAI NMC Members
22nd May 2021
Dear Team,
Greetings from IAAI.
After a long break only, we are writing this mail to you. Covid-19 pandemic has almost shut down our business
from March 2020 till continuing.
In the beginning, when airlines refused to refund airline tickets, IAAI was in the forefront and even impleaded
as a party to the IPL case in the Supreme Court. Schools, colleges, offices closed, and the whole industry got
paralyzed. Also, it was crystal clear that neither central nor state governments will ever do any help or support
to the travel and tourism industry, except some loans to MSMEs. After the ticket refund issue, there was
nothing we could do.
All were sitting at home. End 2020 and early 2021 had some expectations, lost from April 2021 with the
rampant spread of coronavirus second wave.
We are not sure of the type or effectiveness of what we are getting vaccinated today. We still don’t know how
long protection against the virus lasts once someone has fully vaccinated. Or whether you likely need a third
dose within 12 months or take boosters yearly. The reality is that vaccinated people are also getting infected,
like a nightmare.
Very few of our members-only could do some businesses during this period. The majority are still in darkness.
IATA will not provide any waive out or discounts on their fees.
In the present scenario, airlines and airports have done everything than can to instil passenger confidence. But,
one of the main reasons people are not flying now is fear. Health is our wealth, and we have to survive. Also,
we have to keep our business alive. This means, without any revenue, we should maintain our identity –IATA
accreditation- live.
IAAI Director Board has considered the following aspects:
Constrains to airline inventory access – “Air bubble Agreement and Vande Bharath Mission” flights
controlled by certain consolidators.
Expenses for IATA accreditation, BSP link and financial guarantee Vs. Zero commission
Office rent, staff salary and other overhead expenses
Coronavirus Covid-19, the continued threat and new uncertainty.
Considering the gravity of the situation, we decided to recommend GoLite accreditation has the best remedy
to keep our businesses alive and floating. A decision to retain our name, brand and status.
And, look at the incredible support we got from the industry and media.
1. GoLite’ Accreditation is the only viable option for agents in the present scenario: IAAI
2. IAAI recommends IATYA GoLite accreditation to IATA-accredited agents
3. To cut costs, IATA agents’ body tells members to go for GoLite Accreditation
4. Speakeasy – interview : It’s time to rebuild the agency business with the future in mind
Three attachments – Hindu Business line-Newspaper, TTJ updates and Travel Biz Monitor (TBM) Newsletter
After a month of struggle, our website when Jagdeep Bagaht informed us that our web provider became
bankrupt and put shutter; by God’s grace, we had revived it yesterday. Also, all e-mail ids reactivated and now
We have to see that, after a long sleep, we have woke up now. The media has surprisingly given us good
coverage and support. It is an eye-opener and let us together do our homework. Let us put our ideas and
suggestions, and collectively we must find a way to survive.
So, there is good momentum now and let us make it positive energy. And, now it is time for you people to
come forward and slowly take the lead………..
Let us join together through a Google meet by clicking the link: meet.google.com/itk-zeft-vnp
on Tuesday, 25th May 2021 at 1530 hrs. (3.30PM IST).
See you on Tuesday.
IATA Agents Association of India (IAAI) Director Board